We work with you to take control, monitor, and maintain the technology in your business. Receive an inventory of your devices, reporting on hardware health, antivirus monitoring, and the latest computer updates which are just some of the areas we specialize in to make your life easier! These proactive services help keep your system up when you need it most. Our diverse staff of technology experts works together to keep your business running at the highest level.
“Upgrade your companies Technology Department today, imagine a full and diverse staff of technology experts at your disposal.”
Antivirus Monitoring
We are directly alerted when a virus is detected within your company, we are able to take action faster than ever before. Antivirus scans are scheduled during off hours to keep you protected without slow-downs during the day. If a virus is detected on your network we either clean it up immediately in the background or will call you directly to discuss if it needs further attention for removal.
“Have an extra set of eyes on your Antivirus.”
How are you alerted if a virus is found
A ticket will be immediately submitted to our triage system for a technician to start working on.
How Good is Your Antivirus
Bitdefender is our Antivirus of choice and is deployed via our MSP system. It is a top-tier lightweight Antivirus, it performs great without slowing down the device.
How fast can you take action
When the system detects a virus, if possible it will quarantine and clean the virus immediately. If not, a ticket is submitted to our technicians who will work it as soon as possible.
Should I still call if I'm not sure
Yes, call us anytime. Especially if something doesn’t seem right!
Computer Updates
Windows updates are more important than ever for the security of your business. Using our maintenance schedule we are able to Download, Install, and Reboot when you’re not working. Outside attacks will most commonly target devices that are out of date. Devices without the latest patches are used as holes for attackers to gain access to your devices and your network.
“Receive the latest security patches for your devices sooner, rather than later.”
What is Patching
“Patching” is the term for updating in the computer world. When a device is out of date, it has security holes that need to be “Patched” to stay as protected as possible.
Do I really need to update my devices
The more “out of date” a device is, the easier it is to be exploited by an outside attacker. This can lead to your network or company data being compromised. It is extremely important in today’s world.
Premium Support
We are still your trusted IT support team, only with an easier more efficient way to support your Technology needs! Break/Fix billing is a thing of the past, call when you need support without the worry of financial restrictions. Billing is done on a monthly basis, not per ticket or incident. Modern management tools allow us to cover your devices at the highest level as a team.
“Don’t stress when you pick up the phone for an IT issue.”
What is Break/Fix
Break/Fix is how Technology Support has been provided for years. If a problem comes up with your technology (it breaks), then you call to have it fixed. After it’s fixed you pay. With our MSP you call, we help. Billing is already determined ahead of time.
How is monthly billing helpful
- Call when you need us, the cost is already taken care of
- Plan ahead financially, already know what you are going to spend on IT expenses
- Because you commit to us, we commit to you. Providing higher priority services
What is MSP?
MSP is an acronym that stands for “Managed Service Provider”. In the technology world, it is typically a company that will manage your IT services. Management is usually done with tools that allow the IT provider to be proactive and try to prevent issues before they become a reality.
Managed IT Features
Below are some of the features that will come with our managed IT services.
Device Reports
Get weekly or monthly status reports sent directly to your email address about Patch Management, Antivirus, Device Details, and more.
Client Portal
Get access to a web portal showing you all the devices that are being monitored by Plan First Technologies.
Employee Ticket Submission
Allow your employees to report IT issues when they happen live with a screenshot and first-hand details. Word of mouth can significantly decrease turn around time of a technology issue. From the bottom right of an employee’s computer, they can submit their IT issue straight to our ticketing system.
With our MSP tools, we are able to do basic troubleshooting in the background of your devices without interrupting your employee’s workflow. Once we have identified an issue we will then contact the employee to connect and fix the issue.
Device Inventory
We have the ability to provide advanced information live from the devices on your network. This helps us keep your organization organized and informed.
Click the images below to see more.
Add On Services
Sometimes more is needed to get the job done. Take a look at additional services that can be added to your existing MSP support to make your life easier.
- Allow your employees to remotely connect to their devices from home via the simplistic client web portal
- Robust backup services for directories and devices within your network View Backup Services
Full Staff Support
Regardless of this newer more efficient technology management system, at the end of the day, we are still your down-to-earth tech specialists. Call us when you need us for advice or to work on an issue. All of our tech specialists are available to help you. Desktops/Laptops, Servers/Networking, Repair/Recovery are just some of the areas we are ready to provide coverage on. Have our guidance by your side, as your company grows and adapts in today’s technology world.
“Thank you for trusting us with your IT needs!” -The Plan First Team
Not sure about MSP or if it’s right for your company? Call us today with any questions. 607-756-9347